Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sick of Challenges in Life?...Read this!

Have you ever played video games? 

If no, get your hands on one today. Play around for a while. And then come back to this article. 

And if you already on! 

The Challenge Factor in Life...


Wouldn't it be great if life was simple and straight? No challenges, no hassles. Would you like that?
Do you feel sick of the daily challenges of your life? Do you feel that they are sucking your energy slowly
In a video game, every adventure, roadblock, challenge and obstacle is a source of pleasure. As you pass each stage in a game, you feel proud and powerful. 
A similar feeling can be had when playing chess. The game is full of challenges but somehow it's fun. Don't like chess? Alright..take ANY other game you like. 
Games are designed in a way that they are naturally challenging. 
You love them  
Then what seems to be the issue with the challenges you face in your life? 
Here's the key: there are only two ways to live your life. You can either blame the universe for keeping you deprived of the good things in life, and curse everything that happens around you, including your challenges (of course!) OR, you can choose to live all this as an adventure, just like you would in an adventure game. 
Hellen Keller, a terrific human being who was unfortunately (well, not really) blind, mute and deaf (yes, really), said:
                        "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing".
What is your problem then?
Here's what you need to do right away. 
Bless those challenges. Bless those moments which have shown you the hardest time of your life. They are the ones which make you stronger from inside. They awaken within you the sleeping giant who would never otherwise awaken, no matter what. 
Enough challenges awaken something very powerful inside you. Whether it's a video game or life itself....there comes a time when you find yourself saying:
"ENOUGH! I'll take it no more..." 
Mark this moment. When you reach this magical moment, know that it is the beginning point of all success in life...also referred to as "Burning Desire" by Sir Napoleon Hill in his legendary book 'Think and Grow Rich'.
Being sick of hardships is not a solution. You are much more capable than that. Overall, human beings are amazing creatures. Being a human, you carry infinite capabilities inside us. However,  they have been very secretively hidden inside us by our creator. Unless stimulated enough, they keep on lying dormant. Challenges, hardships, embarrassing experiences, bad situations - all act as stimulants.
Go back and see the challenges you have faced so far in your life. You will notice a very peculiar thing about them. Each challenge left you strengthened and more powerful even if it seemed like it hurt you on a material level. 
This is an indication by mother nature that material level is only the surface level. Being attached to it is like clinging to an ocean wave. You can never be sure if you have it in your total control
However, the powers lying dormant inside you are permanent and powerful. In a constantly changing world where everything is unpredictable, only a human being who has discovered these powers and the strength they give can stand with courage and confidence.  
Here's a very simple act of gaining power right now - "Accept your daily challenges as gifts. Thank the universe for choosing you to be the one to discover your hidden potential as a human being."
Ask yourself the following questions whenever you face an obstacle: 
"What is not perfect yet?"
"What do I really want out of this situation?"
"How can I turn this around in my favour?"
"What can I learn from this situation?"
"In what ways does this situation is giving me more strength and stability?"    
Insist on the answers. Your mind will give them to you sooner or later. 
Do the above little but mind-blowing exercises each day of your life and see yourself gaining more power with every passing moment. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Finally, the secrets revealed.....


I have a good news for you. The wait is over.

My book 'The Tao of Confidence' is out already and selling like a hot cake. I got just over a hundred emails in just one day from the readers (that was yesterday), and still pouring in. I'm really glad the book is being loved by so many people.

If you haven't got the book yet and would like to do it now...just google it and you'll get a huge list of places you can buy it from. The publisher is Pustak Mahal, India.

I thank all of you for making it a big hit!



P.S. My next book would be a delightful surprise for my male readers.

I'm trying to get verified with twitter

Recently I got a little too passionate about getting verified with Twitter. Many people have been asking me if it's really my account...don't know why, after all, I'm no Barack Obama. But since so many people care, I'll give a try to get verified with twitter.

And yes, dear Twitter, my website is getting redesigned. You can however see my site's cache on google.

Twitter has asked me to put their logo, widget or button on my blog. I'll put as much as I can.

Wish me luck :)

Aery Prabhakar

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hire Your Own Confidence Coach!

Now you can have your own 'confidence coach' ready to work with you personally to help you master your self-confidence and self-esteem obstacles and become a super confident human being.

In the past one year, I have had many people who desire to work personally with me for increasing their self-confidence and to receive my personal help in dealing with their self-esteem and self-confidence issues. But before I talk more about it, I have something to announce.

There's a good news for YOU - My website on Self Confidence is about to get live in just a few days. If you visit it now, you may just find machine language or a blank page. Come on, we're still building it (I just couldn't resist sharing it with you). So I ain't telling you the web link yet, you'll have to wait for a while :)

Not only it will contain all the high quality articles you find here (and a lot more of them), highly recommended resources that help you transform your life and a lot of free downloads, but all visitors will have the option to register for my monthly newsletter and a 21 day free e-course on becoming an ultra-confident human being. All for FREE!

So where do I come in personally?

If you are dealing with a confidence situation, a problem or any challenge in your life which you are unable to handle all by yourself, let me lend you a hand. Through my website, I'm going to offer my personal consultation services (Email, Chat & Phone) where I will serve to act as a catalyst for increasing your self-confidence, self-esteem, assist you directly in facing the challenges of your life and become a more confident and empowered human being.

I have had the great pleasure of assisting people who have been through setbacks in their love lives or are struggling with their finances, relationships or anything else in general which is having a huge impact on their self-confidence and self-esteem. Nothing in this world is more beautiful to have someone come back to you and say 'Thank you. You changed my life". Hearing those words fill me with a divine energy, a sense of true peace and a feeling of being truly successful in my life.

So stay are in for a great surprise. I'm so happy to imagine the smile on your face when you will see what you have in store for you!

I'll keep you updated with the launch.

Wish You Success!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Answers feature added to blog !

Now you can make use of the 'Answers' feature by double clicking on any word to know its meaning and description.

Just try double clicking HERE

I really love this feature.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Refocusing after setbacks

How many times have you started a diet, a new way of thinking, or tried something new and then a setback occurs and you just go back to the way you were?

Don't worry, you are not the only one!

Setbacks and difficulties occur all of the time - they are a natural activity of life.

There are two ways of facing difficulties.

You either change or alter the difficulty or you can alter yourself to be able to deal with it.

Deal with difficulties correctly and it will enhance your confidence, deal with them incorrectly and they can do some serious damage to your self worth.

Your response to issues and difficulties

When you are faced with any setback your ability to deal with it can be turned around into a position of strength by asking yourself positive empowering questions.

There is an unwritten rule that says:

Ask your mind a stupid question and you will get a stupid answer!

So, if after setback you ask yourself something like

"Why does this always happen to me, I never have any luck?"

Your mind will probably come out with:

"Because you are useless and good things do not happen to you!"

Sound familiar?

Instead, if you ask yourself a positive empowering question like:

"What did I learn from this setback for next time?"

Your mind will kick into solution mode and help.

Here are some rules and things to think about when setbacks do occur:

* Acknowledge that it has happened. Don't hide from it. These things happen. So what?
* What positive empowering questions can you ask yourself?

What is good about this situation?
How can I make the most of this situation?
What can I learn from it?
What are the facts about this problem?
How can we make it a successful outcome?

* Acknowledge that setbacks occur to everyone and you are not being singled out.
* View them as a challenge to overcome rather than an issue or problem

Think about the negative dis-empowering thoughts that you think on a regular basis after a setback.

What new empowering questions could you ask yourself to give some better answers!

Write these down now and make them a habit.

Friday, February 16, 2007

What is Confidence?

It is well worth discussing what self-confidence is, before talking about how you can transform yourself from a person with low self confidence into a super-confident human being.

We as human beings are able to perform many actions and tasks without much thinking, almost automatically as if we were robots, like riding a bike or a car. Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to forget how to drive? You can drive as well you originally did with a little practice even after years of not driving. The reason is that everything related to driving is now a part of your subconscious mind and doesn't need any conscious input. When you have achieved this level in any skill, you are then 'very confident' about it. It's now automatic and you are able to make it happen easier than you can blink your eye...wait, isn't that just another skill?

Doing something so well that you know it like the back of your hand produces a result called 'self-confidence'.

When you think or believe that you have low confidence, you need to be a little more specific rather than encompassing your entire life with the label of low confidence. You may have abundance of confidence in your ability to perform a particular task, but not in another area.

Have you ever heard someone saying, "I never have any confidence in myself"? The more they say this, the more they come to believe it. This label becomes more and more prominent gradually and in the end turns into an excruciating pain. It becomes one's reality and everything else is then filtered through those limited lenses of false reality.

This false reality also destroys one's ability to successfully accomplish many other things which otherwise could be easily done. The 'but' factor creeps in everything. Even if he or she achieves some success, it will be labeled as being 'lucky' ('Oh, I was just lucky'). Talk about digging one's own grave and jumping into it. It's almost a pity to see people doing this to their own lives, so comfortably.

It's almost startling how easily someone can say the above words and then 5 minutes later you can find them doing things only

It can be quite startling how someone will say they have no confidence and yet 5 minutes later you may just be amazed with a new challenging project they have just undertaken or their next adventure trip. They may just seem to do tasks anyone can wreck their nerves upon and still feel they don't have enough confidence.

So self-confidence or the lack of it has a lot to do with how you choose to view yourself. In short, it's nothing more than a perception. It's not necessary for perceptions to be the true reflection of reality. Often these perceptions, even between just a few people, can be amazingly different even though all these people go through the same kind of experience in reality.

Perceptions are filters which we use to process what happens around us all the time. Our perceptions can easily make us feel good, bad or totally indifferent. They can provide us a great boost of never-ending energy or deflate us into an anxious and fearful mass. Our perceptions have some real power we need to get in control of.

Our perceptions are mostly based on our past experiences, both conscious and subconscious. They help us analyze what is happening around us all the time and also enable us to decide their implications. Our mind has the capability to compare quickly any current experience with a past experience and decide and perform the present reaction almost in a blink of an eye. Any good or bad experience therefore, simply helps us decide our
future events, unless the experience is changed consciously.

So now you have a clear clue about the way you can turn yourself into a super-confident human being. Wrong perceptions formed in childhood or during adoscent age can run the rest of the life with feelings of inadequacy and failure. When changed to empowering ones, the same perceptions can raise an individual from the pit of failure to the pinnacle of success.

Any situation may be read in many different ways. We have all had experience completely misreading a situation and then finding it to be totally opposite.

Your first step towards a lasting self-confidence begins by accepting that you may have wrong perceptions in certain matters of your life and about yourself and that a change is required. Many people live their lives trying to display a false confidence and they fail to realize that the terrible fears and limitations they hold inside and never show to others can be dissolved once accepted and then changed consciously.

Have you ever dismissed a positive compliment? From now onwards, never do it again. Always accept a compliment with a sincere 'thank you', never with phrases like 'Oh, it was nothing' or 'Well, it wasn't that good'.

Learn to highlight your achievements first in your own mind and then in front of others through your actions. Let others find how confident you really are with the new you who knows no defeat, no limitation and goes towards success with an unstoppable momentum. That's whom we call a confident human being.